The devil is in the detail

Sainthill Lijsten

  • branding
  • design
  • development
Live website
Sainthill Header

Guy Sainthill is living his dream. One in which he’s surrounded by world renowned art and highly specialized craftsmen and women who make sure all that beauty is framed almost as spectacularly as the art itself. But you’ll only notice that if you know what to look for. It was our dream to capture Guy’s dream in a website and brand story. #dreamon

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Sainthill gilds, restores and eternalizes

Sainthill is a workshop with a very specific purpose: to frame meaning. It doesn’t matter if a client has a photoprint of a family outing at Scheveningen beach or whether it’s van Gogh’s painting of that same location: Guy’s team handles everything with the same amount of care and attention. From gilding and restoration to producing brand new ones: Sainthill makes sure the frame does the work right. This mentality needed to be translated into a visual identity and brand story.

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The art of swiping

How do you make a craft like frame making and restoration come to life on a medium as virtual as a website? By literally zooming in on the work of Sainthill, we gave potential clients the freedom to explore the exceptional craft, detail and love that the team puts into their work. The copy put words to the essence of frame making according to Guy. And was turned into an aspiring tagline: You see more when you look better (‘Als je goed kijkt zie je meer’), Sainthill guilds, restores and eternalizes.

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Sainthill Mobile A

We couldn’t have done this without…

The lovely people at Sainthill Lijsten, Peter Binkhorst (Photography) and all the the framed art.